Trump says solution to shutdown impasse ‘so simple’ | WTOP
“I’m not looking to call a national emergency,” Trump said Monday. “This is so simple we shouldn’t have to.”
The President is correct. The solution is quite simple. The Senate needs to vote on the bills already passed by the house. That means the Majority Leader needs to man up and bring them to the floor. Let them stand or fall on their own merit and let the President sign or veto them as he wishes. This will show the country who is really causing 800,000 Federal workers to miss paycheques, put their credit history at risk, and, according to the Bureau of Revenue of Maryland:
The state’s Bureau of Revenue Estimates said Monday in a report that each biweekly payroll those residents are not paid results in about $778 million in lost wages. That results in roughly $57.5 million less in combined state and local income tax withholding and $2.1 million less in sales tax collections. WTOP
And that is just one state’s lost taxes.
Yes, Mr. President, the solution is so simple.