AWS Template Creation by Script

During an AWS architecture class, we had to create and launch an AWS Stack. Within the stack, it was Infrastructure as Code, but the actual launch of the stack was done at the console. Once upon a time, I knew I had worked with stack creation as IaC. I dug back through some of my old examples and found the code (below) that I used to create the stack, along with some of the variables.

The Code

Line numbers are for reference. Note that this is a single bash shell block (hence the “\” at the end of each line starting in line 2.

1.  cfn_stack_name="${JOB_NAME}-${pipeline_instance_id}"
2.  cfn_stack_id=$(aws cloudformation create-stack \
3.     --disable-rollback \
4.     --region $region \
5.     --stack-name "$cfn_stack_name" \
6.     --template-body "file://${cfn_template_path}" \
7.     --parameters ParameterKey=amiID,ParameterValue=$baseami \
8.         ParameterKey=vpcID,ParameterValue=$vpc \
9.         ParameterKey=subnetID,ParameterValue=$subnet \
10.        ParameterKey=keypairName,ParameterValue=$jenkins_key_name \
11.    --tags Key=BuiltBy,Value="Jenkins_$(hostname)" \
12.    --tags Key=AWS_OP_ENV,Value="$aws_op_env" \
13.    --tags Key=Server,Value="$server_function" \
14.    --tags Key=System,Value="$system" \
15.    --query 'StackId' --output text)
16. max_waitime=600
17. wait_interval=5
18. # wait until the stack is created
19. echo "Waiting for CFN stack to be created..."
20. time monitor_stack --region "$region" --stack "$cfn_stack_name"
21. cfn_instance_id=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $region --stack-name="$cfn_stack_name" --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue' --output text)
22. echo "CGN stack created!"

The other thing to note is you need to have the AWS CLI installed in your build environment for this to work. In most cases, you will be building this inside AWS, so the CLI will be available to you.

The Explanation

In the code starting on line 1:


The JOB_NAME and pipeline_instance_id are generated by the Jenkins job. You can name it however you want, that was just what we used. We originally started with just date/time stamps.

Line 2 begins the actually stack creation:

cfn_stack_id=$(aws cloudformation create-stack

The cfn_stack_id is generated at the end of the code block: --query 'StackID' --output text. The syntax may be old, check the documentation for the correct call for the StackID. The rest of the data is necessary to define the stack.

Most of the variables are defined higher up in the script, most based on calls to a DymanoDB instance where we would store various bits of data that may or may not have changed throughout the build process, or as defined by the customer. We also saved the stack name in that same DB system so we could tear it down later.

Finally we wrapped it with a timer value. This may need to be adjusted based on the speed of the environment or number of variables you are pushing into the stack. You want the system to error out if things are too busy, otherwise the script will hang and the build server will appear to be stuck. We also had some additional verbiage at the bottom of the script that pushed text to the log file/console output so you could see it succeed as shown in lines 18 - 22.

One other thing to note is that the stack also launches an AMI (again pulled from reference). Once this stack and associated AMI are up, the next part of the pipeline starts. This could populate the AMI, test it, turn it into a Jenkins build server, whatever was necessary. The key here is it is all code.

Test Kitchen to support Amazon Web Service (AWS) AMIs

I will keep this document updated as I move along.


Security Considerations

Under the instructions the Amazon Security Blog you need to do a few things to get started.

First, you need to create a new file called credentials in ~/.aws and set the rights to 600.

The credentials file needs to look like this:

aws_access_key_idx = "value here" <-- "This is the Access Key ID from IAM for the core user"
aws_secret_access_key = "value here" <-- "This is the secret ID from the CSV file that matches the access key"

Some things also need to be variables it seems. This is the default .bash_profile:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="value here"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="vale here"
export AWS_SSH_KEY_ID="PEM key name without the .pem"
export AWS_SSH_KEY="$HOME/.ssh/pem key with the .pem"

This is a bit of belt and suspenders, but it works and doesn’t throw irrational errors that keep you chasing your tail. Ideally you should not need the AWS_ACCESS_KEY and ID in your .bash_profile file, but some functions seem to need it.

You may want to set up a config file in ~/.ssh similar to:

# contents of $HOME/.ssh/config
Host chef
    User ubuntu
    HostName  <-- public IP address of instance
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/awskey.pem <-- aws key


You will need the EC2 Drivers from GitHub You will also need to install the AWS SDK for Ruby v2 gem.

To install the gems:

 $ gem install aws-sdk
 $ gem install ec2

Instantiate the kitchen:

$ kitchen init --driver=kitchen-ec2 --create-gemfile
  create  .kitchen.yml
  create  test/integration/default
  create  Gemfile
  append  Gemfile
  append  Gemfile
You must run `bundle install' to fetch any new gems.

The .kitchen.yml file

Modify/tweak your .kitchen.yml file to look like either of these or use the baseline sample:

Ubuntu Sample

  name: ec2 <-- Driver name
  security_group_ids: ["security group"]
  require_chef_omnibus: true
  region: us-east-1 <-- Verify
  availability_zone: d <-- Verify
  subnet_id: "subnet-x"
  associate_public_ip: true <-- If you want to connect from outside.
  interface: private <-- To connect from in AWS

  ssh_key: "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/AWSKEY.pem" <-- set to your key name
  username: ["ubuntu"] <-- Connect user name (needs quotes and brackets)

  name: chef_solo

  - name: ubuntu-14.04 <-- Descriptive name
    image_id: ami-d05e75b8 <-- Verify
    instance_type: t2.micro <-- Verify
    block_device_mappings: <-- Optional
      - ebs_device_name: /dev/sdb
        ebs_volume_type: gp2
        ebs_virtual_name: test
        ebs_volume_size: 8
        ebs_delete_on_termination: true

    - name: default

CentOS/RHEL Sample

  name: ec2
  security_group_ids: ["security group"]
  require_chef_omnibus: true
  region: us-east-1 <-- zone may need verification
  availability_zone: e <-- may need verification
  subnet_id: "subnet-yoursubnet"
  associate_public_ip: true
  interface: private <-- when building from inside AWS

  ssh_key: ~/.ssh/AWS.pem <-- set to your key name
  username: ["ec2-user"] <-- may need to be root for CentOS, ubuntu for ubuntu

  name: chef_solo

  - name: centos-6.4
  image_id: ami-26cc934e <-- Verify
  instance_type: t1.micro <-- Verify
    - ebs_device_name: /dev/sdb
      ebs_volume_type: gp2
      ebs_virtual_name: test
      ebs_volume_size: 8
      ebs_delete_on_termination: true  

  - name: default

Baseline file sample for both Ubuntu and CentOS/RHEL

  name: ec2
  require_chef_omnibus: true
  aws_ssh_key_id: AWSKEY <-- AWS Key name (no .pem)
  security_group_ids: ["sg-...f"] <-- security group
  region: us-east-1 <-- verify your region
  associate_public_ip: true <-- if you need to access the node outside AWS
  interface: private <-- set to _private_ if you are inside AWS

   name: chef_solo
   ssh_key: "/location/.ssh/key.pem" <-- don't know why, but this has to be here and not in the individual sections. 

   - name: rhel-7.1 <-- RHEL is not officially supported but will work
       image_id: ami-12663b7a <-- verify the image 
       instance_type: t2.micro <-- verify the instance type and size
       availability_zone: e <-- verify the zone it can run in
       transport.username: ["ec2-user"] <-- user will vary _ec2-user_ is the default for RHEL, but may need _root_
       subnet_id: "subnet-...2" <-- verify the subnet with the zone
         - ebs_device_name: /dev/sdb
           ebs_volume_type: gp2
           ebs_virtual_name: test
           ebs_volume_size: 8
           ebs_delete_on_termination: true

- name: ubuntu-14.04
     image_id: ami-d05e75b8 <-- verify the image
     instance_type: t2.micro <-- verify the instance type and size
     availability_zone: d <-- verify the zone it can run in
     subnet_id: subnet-...c <-- verify the subnet with the zone
     transport.username: ["ubuntu"] <-- default name for Ubuntu
       - ebs_device_name: /dev/sdb
         ebs_volume_type: gp2
         ebs_virtual_name: test
         ebs_volume_size: 8
         ebs_delete_on_termination: true

  - name: default

If you want to assign a static address to the host, you have to do it at kitchen create stage. In the platforms section add:

   - ["private_network", {ip: ""}]

Using Kitchen

Kitchen List: Check your Instances and Actions

$ kitchen list
Instance             Driver  Provisioner  Verifier  Transport   Last Action
default-rhel-71      Ec2     ChefSolo     Busser    Ssh         <Not Created>
default-ubuntu-1404  Ec2     ChefSolo     Busser    Ssh         <Not Created>

Kitchen Create: Create an instance

$ kitchen create default-ubuntu-1404
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.4.2)
-----> Creating <default-ubuntu-1404>...
    If you are not using an account that qualifies under the AWS free-tier, you may be charged to run these suites. 
    The charge should be minimal, but neither Test Kitchen nor its maintainers are responsible for your incurred costs.

   Instance <i-d4f71865> requested.
   EC2 instance <i-d4f71865> created.
   Waited 0/300s for instance <i-d4f71865> to become ready.
   Waited 5/300s for instance <i-d4f71865> to become ready.
   Waited 10/300s for instance <i-d4f71865> to become ready.
   Waited 15/300s for instance <i-d4f71865> to become ready.
   Waited 20/300s for instance <i-d4f71865> to become ready.
   Waited 25/300s for instance <i-d4f71865> to become ready.
   Waited 30/300s for instance <i-d4f71865> to become ready.
   Waited 35/300s for instance <i-d4f71865> to become ready.
   EC2 instance <i-d4f71865> ready.
   Waiting for SSH service on, retrying in 3 seconds
   Waiting for SSH service on, retrying in 3 seconds
   Waiting for SSH service on, retrying in 3 seconds
       [SSH] Established
       Finished creating <default-ubuntu-1404> (1m9.39s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (1m9.46s)

$ kitchen list
Instance             Driver  Provisioner  Verifier  Transport   Last Action
default-rhel-71      Ec2     ChefSolo     Busser    Ssh         <Not Created>
default-ubuntu-1404  Ec2     ChefSolo     Busser    Ssh         Created

Kitchen Destroy: Destroy an Instance

$ kitchen destroy default-ubuntu-1404
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.4.2)
-----> Destroying <default-ubuntu-1404>...
       EC2 instance <i-d4f71865> destroyed.
       Finished destroying <default-ubuntu-1404> (0m0.82s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (0m0.87s)

Kitchen Setup: Install Chef on a node

$ kitchen setup default-rhel-71
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.4.2)
-----> Creating <default-rhel-71>...
If you are not using an account that qualifies under the AWS free-tier, you may be charged to run these suites. 
The charge should be minimal, but neither Test Kitchen nor its maintainers are responsible for your incurred costs.

   Instance <i-387a1fc1> requested.
   EC2 instance <i-387a1fc1> created.
   Waited 0/300s for instance <i-387a1fc1> to become ready.
   Waited 5/300s for instance <i-387a1fc1> to become ready.
   Waited 10/300s for instance <i-387a1fc1> to become ready.
   Waited 15/300s for instance <i-387a1fc1> to become ready.
   Waited 20/300s for instance <i-387a1fc1> to become ready.
   Waited 25/300s for instance <i-387a1fc1> to become ready.
   Waited 30/300s for instance <i-387a1fc1> to become ready.
   Waited 35/300s for instance <i-387a1fc1> to become ready.
   EC2 instance <i-387a1fc1> ready.
   Waiting for SSH service on, retrying in 3 seconds
   Waiting for SSH service on, retrying in 3 seconds
   Waiting for SSH service on, retrying in 3 seconds
   Waiting for SSH service on, retrying in 3 seconds
   Please login as the user "ec2-user" rather than the user "root".

   Please login as the user "ec2-user" rather than the user "root".

   Finished creating <default-rhel-71> (1m47.75s).
-----> Converging <default-rhel-71>...
   Preparing files for transfer
   Preparing dna.json
   Preparing current project directory as a cookbook
   Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
   Preparing solo.rb
   Please login as the user "ec2-user" rather than the user "root".

   Please login as the user "ec2-user" rather than the user "root".

-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.4.2)
-----> Converging <default-rhel-71>...
   Preparing files for transfer
   Preparing dna.json
   Preparing current project directory as a cookbook
   Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
   Preparing solo.rb
-----> Installing Chef Omnibus (install only if missing)
   Downloading to file /tmp/
   Trying curl...
   Download complete.
   Downloading Chef  for el...
     to file /tmp/
   trying curl...
   md5  9333136ba8a11bd6cad6d28fcd26a2c7
   sha256   7a937d8c0ab68a1f342aba4ad33417fc4ba8cb1a71f46e4a18b5e76c363e4075
   downloaded metadata file looks valid...
     to file /tmp/
   trying curl...
   Comparing checksum with sha256sum...


   You are installing an omnibus package without a version pin.  If you are installing
   on production servers via an automated process this is DANGEROUS and you will
   be upgraded without warning on new releases, even to new major releases.
   Letting the version float is only appropriate in desktop, test, development or
   CI/CD environments.


   Installing Chef 
   installing with rpm...
   warning: /tmp/ Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 83ef826a: NOKEY
   Preparing...             ################################# [100%]
   Updating / installing... ################################# [100%]
   Thank you for installing Chef!
   Transferring files to <default-rhel-71>
   Starting Chef Client, version 12.5.1
   Compiling Cookbooks...
   Converging 0 resources

   Running handlers:
   Running handlers complete
   Chef Client finished, 0/0 resources updated in 00 seconds
   Finished converging <default-rhel-71> (0m39.27s).
-----> Setting up <default-rhel-71>...
   Finished setting up <default-rhel-71> (0m0.00s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (0m39.32s)

$ kitchen list
Instance             Driver  Provisioner  Verifier  Transport   Last Action
default-rhel-71      Ec2     ChefSolo     Busser    Ssh         Set Up
default-ubuntu-1404  Ec2     ChefSolo     Busser    Ssh         <Not Created>

Kitchen Converge: Deploying a file to a node

Modify your .kitchen.yml file, and update the suites section with the recipe:

  - name: default
      - recipe[motd::default]

Then run the kitchen converge command:

$ kitchen converge default-rhel-71
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.4.2)
-----> Creating <default-rhel-71>...
   If you are not using an account that qualifies under the AWS free-tier, you may be charged to run these suites. 
   The charge should be minimal, but neither Test Kitchen nor its maintainers are responsible for your incurred costs.

   Instance <i-af402556> requested.
   EC2 instance <i-af402556> created.
   Waited 0/300s for instance <i-af402556> to become ready.
   Waited 5/300s for instance <i-af402556> to become ready.
   Waited 10/300s for instance <i-af402556> to become ready.
   Waited 15/300s for instance <i-af402556> to become ready.
   Waited 20/300s for instance <i-af402556> to become ready.
   Waited 25/300s for instance <i-af402556> to become ready.
   EC2 instance <i-af402556> ready.
   Waiting for SSH service on, retrying in 3 seconds
   Waiting for SSH service on, retrying in 3 seconds
   [SSH] Established
   Finished creating <default-rhel-71> (1m4.66s).
-----> Converging <default-rhel-71>...
   Preparing files for transfer
   Preparing dna.json
   Preparing current project directory as a cookbook
   Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
   Preparing solo.rb
-----> Installing Chef Omnibus (install only if missing)
   Downloading to file /tmp/
   Trying curl...
   Download complete.
   Downloading Chef  for el...
     to file /tmp/
   trying curl...
   md5  9333136ba8a11bd6cad6d28fcd26a2c7
   sha256   7a937d8c0ab68a1f342aba4ad33417fc4ba8cb1a71f46e4a18b5e76c363e4075
   downloaded metadata file looks valid...
     to file /tmp/
   trying curl...
   Comparing checksum with sha256sum...


   You are installing an omnibus package without a version pin.  If you are installing
    on production servers via an automated process this is DANGEROUS and you will be upgraded without warning on new releases, even to new major releases.
   Letting the version float is only appropriate in desktop, test, development or CI/CD environments.


   Installing Chef 
   installing with rpm...
   warning: /tmp/ Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 83ef826a: NOKEY
   Preparing...             ################################# [100%]
   Updating / installing... ################################# [100%]
   Thank you for installing Chef!
   Transferring files to <default-rhel-71>
   Starting Chef Client, version 12.5.1
   Compiling Cookbooks...
   Converging 1 resources
   Recipe: motd::default
     * cookbook_file[/etc/motd] action create
       - update content in file /etc/motd from e3b0c4 to 295b84
       --- /etc/motd    2013-06-07 10:31:32.000000000 -0400
       +++ /etc/.motd20151210-10819-18peqj2 2015-12-10 14:02:01.757471882 -0500
       @@ -1 +1,10 @@
       + __________________________________
       +/ You are on a simulated Chef node \
       +\ environment                      /
       + ----------------------------------
       +        \   ^__^
       +         \  (oo)\_______
       +            (__)\       )\/\
       +                ||----w |

       - restore selinux security context

   Running handlers:
   Running handlers complete
   Chef Client finished, 1/1 resources updated in 00 seconds
   Finished converging <default-rhel-71> (0m32.21s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (1m36.95s)

$ kitchen list
Instance             Driver  Provisioner  Verifier  Transport   Last Action
default-rhel-71      Ec2     ChefSolo     Busser    Ssh         Converged
default-ubuntu-1404  Ec2     ChefSolo     Busser    Ssh         <Not Created>

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/awskey.pem ec2-user@
Last login: Thu Dec 10 14:02:00 2015 from ip-172-31-60-114.ec2.internal
/ You are on a simulated Chef node \
\ environment                      /
        \       ^__^
         \      (oo)\_______
                (__)\       )\/\
                    ||----w |
                    ||     ||
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-45-65 ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.

Metadata.rb modifications

When you are creating a new recipe, you need to edit the metadata.rb file. For example, in the apache cookbook example, the file will look like:

name             'apache'
maintainer       'David A. Lane'
maintainer_email ''
license          'All rights reserved'
description      'Installs/Configures apache'
long_description, ''))
version          '0.1.0'

Writing a recipe: Modifying recipe/default.rb

When you want to install a package, you will need to modify the default.rb file in the recipe subdirectory. An example, for installing apache is as follows:

# Cookbook Name:: apache
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright 2015, YOUR_COMPANY_NAME
# All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute

package "httpd" do
  action :install

Once you make that modificaiton run a kitchen converge [node] and it will install apache.

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-47-69 ~]$ rpm -qa httpd

Service Resource

You can take it a step further to install, and activate the package once it is installed by modifying the default.rb like this:

package "httpd" 

service "httpd" do
  action [ :enable, :start ]

Which should result in ouput like this:

$ kitchen converge default-rhel-71
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.4.2)
-----> Converging <default-rhel-71>...
   Preparing files for transfer
   Preparing dna.json
   Preparing current project directory as a cookbook
   Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
   Preparing solo.rb
-----> Chef Omnibus installation detected (install only if missing)
   Transferring files to <default-rhel-71>
   Starting Chef Client, version 12.5.1
   Compiling Cookbooks...
   Converging 2 resources
   Recipe: apache::default
    (up to date)

       - enable service service[httpd]

       - start service service[httpd]

   Running handlers:
   Running handlers complete
   Chef Client finished, 2/3 resources updated in 03 seconds
   Finished converging <default-rhel-71> (0m5.05s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (0m5.11s)

And on the server, you get:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-47-69 ~]$ systemctl list-unit-files | grep httpd
httpd.service                               enabled 

Template Resource

Modify the default.rb to add the template line as shown:

package "httpd"

service "httpd" do
  action [ :enable, :start ]

template "/var/www/html/index.html" do
  source 'index.html.erb'
  mode '0644'

And then you need to create the index.html.erb file. Start by running chef generate template <file>:

$ chef generate template index.html

and then change into templates/default and edit the index.html.erb file with what you want to include, such as:

This site was set up by <%= node['hostname'] %>

and run another kitchen converge.

Check the output:

$ kitchen converge default-rhel-71
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.4.2)
-----> Converging <default-rhel-71>...
   Preparing files for transfer
   Preparing dna.json
   Preparing current project directory as a cookbook
   Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
   Preparing solo.rb
-----> Chef Omnibus installation detected (install only if missing)
   Transferring files to <default-rhel-71>
   Starting Chef Client, version 12.5.1
   Compiling Cookbooks...
   Converging 3 resources
   Recipe: apache::default
    (up to date)
    (up to date)
    (up to date)

       - create new file /var/www/html/index.html
       - update content in file /var/www/html/index.html from none to b2f6ae
       --- /var/www/html/index.html 2015-12-11 12:49:17.376524243 -0500
       +++ /var/www/html/.index.html20151211-19185-1lfz25z  2015-12-11 12:49:17.376524243 -0500
       @@ -1 +1,2 @@
       +This site was set up by 

       - restore selinux security context

   Running handlers:
   Running handlers complete
   Chef Client finished, 1/4 resources updated in 03 seconds
   Finished converging <default-rhel-71> (0m5.03s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (0m5.09s)

And then on the host, you can verify the installation:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-47-69 ~]$ curl localhost
This site was set up by ip-172-31-47-69 

Using Knife

Creating a Knife file

$ knife cookbook create motd --cookbook-path .
WARNING: No knife configuration file found
** Creating cookbook motd in /home/ubuntu/git/motd
** Creating README for cookbook: motd
** Creating CHANGELOG for cookbook: motd
** Creating metadata for cookbook: motd

$ kitchen init --create-gemfile
conflict  .kitchen.yml
Overwrite /home/ubuntu/git/motd/.kitchen.yml? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh] n
    skip  .kitchen.yml
conflict  chefignore
Overwrite /home/ubuntu/git/motd/chefignore? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh] y
   force  chefignore
  create  Gemfile
  append  Gemfile
  append  Gemfile
You must run `bundle install' to fetch any new gems.

$ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Fetching dependency metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Using mixlib-shellout 2.2.5
Using net-ssh 2.9.2
Using net-scp 1.2.1
Using safe_yaml 1.0.4
Using thor 0.19.1
Using test-kitchen 1.4.2
Using kitchen-vagrant 0.19.0
Using bundler 1.10.6
Bundle complete! 2 Gemfile dependencies, 8 gems now installed.
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

To Dos