The quote, from the movie The Princess Bride was uttered after several, so called inconceivable events had occurred. I had similar thoughts this morning when I read in USA today, this quote by Mohammad Umma:
I see the US government allowed the Web to spread this link all over the world without limiting freedom, without banning it...America tells us they are the country of freedom, democracy, and tolerance...
The link he is referring too is a short video that apparently paints the Islamic prophet Mohammed in a vulgar, insulting manner, which, as we all know by now is a no no, at least if you are the least bit Islamic. I have not seen the video, nor do I really care about the video. But I need to point out to Mr. Umma that he might want to pick up a copy of a dictionary since he clearly has some misconceptions about what freedom, democracy, and tolerance mean. One thing it does not mean is that the government, or anyone else on the Internet, would ban or otherwise impinge on the distribution of any link, video, document, or picture, regardless of who it made fun of, up to and including her own President. In fact there is a small cottage industry devoted to mocking the President, various religions, and radical groups out to better the world. To think that the United States would block the distribution of a video mocking Mohammed is in fact counter to all of the foundations of the words democratic and free.
If you put yourself on the public stage, you are going to be subject to ridicule. If you do not wish this, you have two options: 1) Get off the stage, or 2) Get a better message. Clearly Mr. Umma, and others of his ilk do not like those options because they have chosen what is behind door number 3: Violence. And unfortunately for Mr. Umma, and the band of thugs that follow this path, it only puts them forward on the public stage, and subjects them to yet more, well deserved ridicule. Inconceivable!