The average American has a very short attention span. Fortunately, there are some who remember what has gone before. A talking head this morning pointed out that the Oklahoma City Bombing occurred on April 19, 1995. The bombing in Boston occurred on the celebration of "Patriot's Day," the third Monday in April, but the official day is...April 19.
Neither Oklahoma or Boston is the first act of domestic terrorism, nor will it likely be the last. And yes, I fully expect, once the officials in charge have sorted the mess, they will find it was an act of domestic terrorism. What concerns me is not that it happened, but that there are Americans that feel this is an appropriate way to protest their government. And calling it terrorism really gives it more of a spotlight than it deserves. It is murder, pure and simple, and the perpetrators are murderers. Nothing more. They are not patriots or freedom fighters, they are murderers, slimy, bottom feeders that should be put out of our misery and not given any more of a platform than a swift drop and a sudden stop.
Sadly, this will only make the police state that has evolved since September 11, 2001 only worse. And in that regard, we all lose.