April 1, 2013 is a very busy day. It is Opening Day for Major League Baseball, it is April Fools Day, and it is the first day of Camp Nanowrimo. Now, normally, I would not be too excited about that this year, especially since April is when I traditionally do Script Frenzy. In June last year, I reported that the Office of Lights and Letters had decided to terminate the annual script writing contest. So I was not particularly looking forward to April this year. But lo and behold, as part of the April CampNanowrimo, you can write a script! From the official FAQ:
Former Frenziers and scriptwriting novices unite! To determine your word-count goal for a script, just take the number of pages you'd like to write and multiply it by 200.
So, I am going to have to put my mind to it and see if I can find the bandwidth to write a script between all the other work that has to be done. I do like the art of writing a script!