April has come and gone (almost) and like last year, I threw myself into Script Frenzy! This is the second year I have done this and I must be crazy.
The goal is to write 100 pages of original scripted material, such as a screen play, stage play, graphic novels in 30 days. If you think you would like to write the next great Insert your country here Novel, then you need to wait for November, when NaNoWriMo kicks in. I have done that too. Last year was not quite as successful as the year before, but stuff got in the way.
This time, though, I promised myself that I would get it done before the deadline. And I almost did not make it. Disasters at work distracted me. Not really having an idea for the script derailed the first couple of days of writing and then having something crop up just as it looked like there were a few extra days in the month actually reduced my writing time by about 10 days to a little over 20. Now last year, in less than fifteen days, I pumped out 106 pages without breaking a sweat and probably could have done another thirty. This time I struggled to get to 102 and I am not finished with the story. What does it always work out that way?
I am going to chalk it up to the creative process and leave well enough alone. I will probably come back and finish it - if I can find the time, but for now, it is enough to know that I made 100 pages, with a fairly coherent script, and even if the plot wobbles a bit, I am happy with what I have accomplished.
Now I can start preparing for November!